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June 20, 2012



congrats on yet another beautiful boy!!

joni s

babies are so worth the total lack of time to do much else. enjoy!


What handsome men you have in your life! Congratulations on little Jesse. My little boy Reuben was born this year too - at the beginning of February. Love those cut-outs and paper planes!

Kelley Hart

Awesome projects and pictures. Funny, the nap and no chores, is exactly what my husband has wanted every father's day for 15 years!

Elizabeth Mackey

They are so cute! Leo looks like his dad, and Jesse looks a lot like you!
Two little boys, how sweet.

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How lucky to see what you have written. Hope you continue to work hard. I wish you have a good health.

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Blog molto buono, era felice di imparare molto qui, spero di poter guardare spesso, vi ringrazio molto!

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Hope you continue to work hard. I wish you have a good health.

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How I miss being a kid and making paper airplanes. It wasn't even so much fun making them as much as it was to make them fly further and higher then the other kids.


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