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January 29, 2012



They're adorable, and the painted filters are so beautiful on their own. Good luck with the project!

Anna Maria

Oh they're so beautiful! What a lovely idea.

My six year old's decided that thursday afternoons, after school, are his studio time. He's got his own corner in our home studio and I've been putting together a list of projects. I think this one might head straight to the top! It's Summer here and the garden is filled with hundreds of butterflies! We've been exploring nature through art lately and we've got some egg carton caterpillars creeping around the studio... perhaps it's time for them to metamorphosise ;)

I love the kissing balls too! How sweet they'd look hung up together.


Lovely, and so great and simple for them to make. I actually remember doing something like this when I was a child......

Make it & Fake it

Aw, these are amazing!! i want to decorate a wall with these, a wall of flying butterflies!!! amazing!! thank you so much for sharing!
Love this idea!

love K

Maria på inredningsvis.se

I really like your blog:) great pics and so much inspiration..I wish you a lovely weekend.
LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

Love To Crochet

These are just adorable. Love watching your crafts. Gives me wonderful ideas for classroom projects :)

Blanqueamiento dental precio

Amazing crafts. My girlfriend works in a kindergarten, I'm going to show it.

Longchamp Sale

I really like your blog:) great pics and so much inspiratidonddd

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