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June 08, 2011



Please bring back felt doll coats. I need them in many colors!

sharon from farm and fru fru

just your postcard thingy makes me think i should hop a train to NY....i love it! take lots of pics to post...

margie oomen

what a beautiful invite:)


It's going to be my first Renegade Bkyln, I can't wait to see your and everyone else's great creations!


Does the fair still go on in the event of rain?


Your crochet garland is just so cool :)

Lasso the Moon

Love everything, and wish I lived closer! Glad you had a good time.


You are amazing, so talented!! Love your crafts!

גני אירועים בשרון

Awesome craft fair. I participated such types of craft fair. I love to perform in craft fair I like it too much.

wmv player

Great craft fair.I always love to participated in such craft fair. I am sure you have great time.

עבודה לצעירים

Wonderful craft fair. I like it too much. There are many crafty items and tutorials in your blog which is I deeply read and implies in free time.

Yagga jewellery

Craft fairs are bitter sweet, its nice to sell, but its also nice to buy... too bad you can't have both

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