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February 08, 2011



I love nani iro oilcloth, this is a wonderful way to use it. Great project!


This is terrific! If you have to look at it every day, why not splurge and make it from a beautiful fabric?

Oh, and that photo of Leo just kills me. His expression is too cute, all the patterns are fantastic, and the composition is perfect!

Jill Wignall

It looks fantastic! Gorgeous fabric choice. Your new home is looking beautiful and I'm glad you are finding the time to do some crafting for it.


i love this! such a lovely print! have to get this "gadget" at once!

Jo @ a life in lists

Ooh, I never knew Nani Iro oilcloth existed! I've scarcely been resisting her other fabrics, and I've been looking for the perfect oilcloth for bags recently...


What a lovely fabric. And what a lovely baby.


Fantastic idea! Leo seems quite content with your smart and well-styled idea, too!


This is incredible! So simple and beautiful :)

margie oomen

your son leo is such a handsome lad
and he is surrounded by such incredible inspiration.


My son's name is Leo, too! We share the name and the mess, and hopefully soon, the same crafty solution! Thank you!


i love the oil cloth, so beautifully design. What a lovely creation, yet so practical. I'll have to give it a go sometime.


That is a great use of a gorgeous oilcloth. I do believe that Leo is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen.

nina / ash and anchor

So wonderful! What a fantastic idea and a fantastic little fellow :)


so beautiful!


This is such a great idea! I may have to make one of these myself....Thanks for the inspiration!!


That placemat is amazing! I also love your tablecloth... where did you get it?


This is a great idea and such a beautiful print you chose to use. Also, that picture of your son is just so sweet!


What a beautiful project! Love this idea!


something so fuctional and beautiful- good job!


I found your post via Apartment Therapy, the oilcloth is a great idea. But I really love your LuRay pastels collection! I just got mine off the ground and did a blog post, so yours really caught my eye.

Miss W

I love your house it's gorgeous!

The North Face

Hong Li a grand funeral, seventies, and even now dead, are also considered and then come to an end ... ... Well, you can do and then back to a fourth side of the Fujin, and no one will stop

discount mbt

just love it. You made the process look so simple and encouraging for newbees like me! They look great in their colours and I wanna try them as quick as possible, so can you please help me out in doing this with more of your posts????

Ruth Pfeiffer

Nice baby food catcher for your table. You can make one for every season. I do quilting and I have used the bias tape maker by clover, they are great.

Emily Maruna

Great idea! thanks for sharing it. I've passed it along on my blog, The Handmade Experiment. http://wp.me/pkcUM-Of Feel free to grab a button if you want to share the link love and have a great week!


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