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December 14, 2010



Looks like a lovely place!


Oooohhh, so lovely. You have decorated beautifully.


always just perfect and beautiful!! I love it. I am laughing just a wee bit, though, because about 6 months down the road, I see some "mess" about to happen.... hoping that bookshelf doesn't come tumbling down on Leo! :)

birdie blue

your new home looks perfect! so happy for you.
six months is such a fun age.

enjoy your first holiday as a mother.


I love this soooooooo much!

jenny o'leary

Hi there, so glad you are all well, missed your postings, congrats on your new home I wish you all the very best for your first Christmas with baby Leo, you all take care..........jenny


everything looks great. are the cups and tea items in the last picture from heath?


LOVELY to have you back...your new home sounds wonderful!
I can imagine how busy you have been...babies and moving are both HUGE daily duties...
HUGS and have a wonderful week.


As a matter of fact, just yesterday I thought "i hope no news means good news for Laura and Leo". And here is the most excellent news! Your place is really charming and gracious. You and your husband are superparents to pull this off with a newborn.


Wow, the whole place is lovely! It looks far more "finished" than my new house, which I've been in for nearly a year now!


So sweet! Congrats on the new home. Enjoy it. And he'll eventually get used to the rolling thing and start sleeping through again. It might happen again when he learns to pull himself up too. :)


your new home looks lovely and you guys have taken on quite a lot all at once! enjoy your holidays!

shelia day



love it, Laura. And love how you have the books stacked in first pic- good idea for me, with books I am working on- craft/cook, etc
We just had grandchild #9- boy :) so sweet and we are so blessed


I was thinking how uncluttered your space is and thinking, "too many books?" :-) I love that tea set. Is it Denby?


Oh it's so very neat, my goodness, and here I am still quite messy after three years!

I'm so glad for you and I absolutely love that wallpaper ...


Welcome back! I've been looking forward to hearing about new happenings. Both our boys went through sleepless phases when they became mobile. They get through it! Congratulations on your lovely home and beautiful son.

Joyous Treasures

Wow, your new place is looking really beautiful! We built our house 5 years ago and still haven't finished it lol!


such a beautiful place...


I just discovered your great blog & loved it. I'm just new into blogging & have just finished off my own blog on fashion & interior design.
I had a lot of fun putting it together. I would love your feedback on it if you've got a spare minute.


wow what a beautiful space. I love how white it is. I tend to over colour everything and forget that the white space really helps to keep a clear mind and makes everything else much more special. Congrats.


i would love to know where you got your thin white bookshelves. i've been looking to find some just them. would you mind sharing? congrats on your new baby!

Handmade Soap Cakes

I love the things you have made for your house and your website is FAB! Just wish you shipped to Europe!

Agata Renfrew

It's nice to celebrate the holidays, most especially if you just got a house for your family. Weeee! =D I just love everything about your house. Where did you buy it anyway? I want to see more photos of your house, darling! <3

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