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July 16, 2007



The show looks amazing. All of the work together is just breathtaking, but each individual piece is also wonderful in it's own way. I love the colors and textures and simplicity -spartan that evokes something old but in a new, modern way.
I would love to hear more about your process and ideas behind the work.


Nice installation & congratulations on a good opening. I think I'll call Tinlark in the morning... :)

laura reyes

i cannot wait to see the show!


Congratulations on your show, it looks really inviting.


HI Laura, I wish I could see this in person. KUDOS! i love the added utility and starkness of the ironing board, the added kitsch of the deer by your bottles and paintings. OH OH OH Good SHOW!



The show looks great- I love the way you've used the ironing board. Would love to see your work in person some time!


beautiful work. i love the way you have installed it too.


These all look amazing! I love the blackwork with the ironing board!

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